Poverty Is An LGBT Issue

We all know the stereotype. The rich gays living privileged lives with mounds of disposable income. There we are, lining up to go into the latest hip club or into elegant fundraising events – where we funnel cash to our all-powerful, gay agenda-wielding organizations.

But here’s the thing about the stereotype: it’s largely false. A myth. If anyone doubts that, they should have seen Dr. Lee Badgett’s presentation at a Horizons-sponsored convening on LGBT poverty a couple of days ago. Continue reading

Marriage Marches On

National Update On Marriage EqualitySomething’s definitely happening out there. The march of marriage equality seems to have gone into hyper-drive. Marriage laws enacted in Washington and Maryland. Another court knocked down a key part of the federal DOMA. Marriage-equality passed by New Jersey’s legislature, and, of course, the Ninth Circuit’s Prop 8 ruling just one month ago.

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